Hello from the Keating PAC!
We have received some helpful resources pertaining to Social and Emotional well-being coming up in February that we would like to share with the Keating community. These are two Zoom sessions put on by FamilySmart. See below for links to more information and to register.
These events are free, and because they are delivered through Zoom, they are often an accessible first resource when families are looking to increase their knowledge base.
Feb 6, 2025 6:30-8:00pm ZOOM session "ADHD - The Real Deal"
Feb 12, 2025 6:30-8:00pm ZOOM session "Deepening Our Understanding of Emotion Regulation - Supporting our Young People with their Big Emotions"
Click here to register
Family Smart hosts similar sessions on different topics throughout each month. They also have a fantastic collection of resources and videos on a wide range of parenting and mental health topics that parents and staff can access through the website. https://familysmart.ca/
Have a wonderful weekend!
Shauna (Keating PAC co-Secretary)